Monday, June 29, 2009

Time for a Change

Well, I've been painting boxes now for almost 12 years. I'm tired. I feel a little like Forrest Gump after he ran across the country and back. I wonder what has me so distracted lately? Is it that I don't enjoy the wholesale end of the business? Is it that I'm just tired of painting what other people want? I just don't know.
Lately I find myself wanting to work more on my organic clothing line and I am also going back to school at age 39 to get my certificate in Arts Administration. I just all of a sudden feel like I've done all I can do with the keepsake boxes. I could keep painting them for another 20 years but I'm just not sure I want to. It's been difficult to find new sources of inspiration and usually when that happens, I just need to do something else for awhile. I'd like to have some more "a-ha!" moments in my life and try something new before I hit the big 4-0. I'm leaning toward doing away with wholesale and going back to just direct retailing on my website. Life was much simpler then and I had time to work on a bigger variety of things. Don't worry, I wouldn't get rid of the retailers I have. Just no new ones. I have alot of thinking to do this Summer and hopefully by September, I'll be able to sort it all out.
Change is scary but standing still is boring.

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